Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello again, i have been missing you every so greatly. i have been doing a lot of thinking actually. i always think of amazing things but i never jot them down on a piece of paper. so basically i could have thought of a way to solve world peace, but it was in my mind for a split second and no its gone. but hey i just thought of something! i am so sick of hearing people talking about how their going through some stupid pointless drama. if its so stupid and pointless, why are you going through it? so someone says something about you, who cares? let it go, it will pass, it doesnt mean anything. you are golden baby dont get yourself so worked up about it. and people who gossip/talk about other people, is it really worth it? let other people live and dont worry about how they are living it(only worry if you are close to this/these people in your live). now i have that feeling like oh i am soooo smart(sarcastic of course) but im just trying to make you question and think. oo and another thing, when people think that their race/culture/style...etc is the best and everyone else are below human. how could one living thing be so ignorant and live their lifes eyes closed? why not instead us judge others by their appearance or beliefs but rather instead imbrace them as a living individual?

so i leave you with a few simple requests; smile to a strangeer who looks upset, do something that will make you feel whole, and just think for awhile, let your mind wonder curiously throughout time.

i hope you have a good day/night/afternoon/morning/life...check all that applies!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

50 things

These are just random things that i came up with, just things that i love/like/interested in. Yeah, do one yourself.

1. My Nikon EM, without you baby, I'd be nothing
2. Pictures pictures pictures of everything
3. Drawing
4. Any type of art
5. Coffee/cappuccino
6. Dancing randomly, oh yes, what a stress burner
7. Not eating the animals, very healthy!
8. Grapes, any fruit really.
10. Any Jason Schwartzman movie
11. Anything to do with Zach Braff
12. Different viriaties in music
13. My little sister, Penny
14. My little sister, Clarissa
15. My family, even though they do get on my nerves sometimes!
16. The most inspirational,beautiful, wonderful, etc.. person in my life, Pablo
17. All of my friends
18. My psychology teahcer, Mrs. Chaddick, she makes me think a lot, and its wonderful
19. My art teacher, Mrs. Miller, for supplying me with art supplies
20.The colder days
21. Trips to the beach, its like my home away from home
22. Baking cookies! thank you grandma for that one
23. Smiling at random people just hoping they will feel better inside
24. Laughing uncontrolably
25. Camping in the mountains, being the inner"indian"
26. Drinking so much water it makes me go to the bathroom every five minutes
27. Creative writing
29. The day i got my license
30. When i bring Arizona iced teas to school on short days to share with Dylan and not giving any to Aj, but then sneaking some to him.
31. Attempting to speak french(bonjour)
32. The old black and white movies, in french of course!
33. People watching, its interesting to see how people act
34. JUICE, all different kinds of juice
35. Pasta, pretty much all what i eat. The inner sicilian in myself
36. Flight of the Conchords
37. The atmosphere of any city at night
38. Helping people when their down, no one wants to be in a bad mood
39. Dreaming
40. Traveling, anytime we drive is nice
41. Europe, one day i will concor you
42. Being a hermitt
43. Compulsive thinking and panicking myself at somepoints
44. Not sleeping in when i should be
45. When the sun is waking up
46. When the sun is going to sleep
47. Reading, even though i'll read halfway though a book and not pick it up again for a long time
48. Wonderful conversations
49. Having everything organized
50. Being the biggest goof and not even caring

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What a beautiful January 13Th of 2009! What extreme variations one human can possibly feel throughout one day. Whew, how draining, this full moon era has been making my emotions flow constantly!! How interesting though, i learned some fascinating information in psychology class that i am definitely going to share and express towards a special individual (: On the lame side, i do not have the Pentax anymore, my cousin took it. Oh well, i still have my Nikon EM baby. Oh! i also drew a lot today, which relaxes me when I'm stressed. I encourage you to pull out the inner artist in yourself, whether its in drawing, cooking, photography, or whatever it is. Do it more often and create wonders around you.

Here is something somewhat nice, depending on how you view things:
This world is beautiful, it hurts inside when i see someone wallowing in their own sorrow, self pity, and depressed. Yes, life will not be good if you are not even tyring to make it all that you want. The only person in the world that can change to be better is yourself. YOU, yes YOU, YOU are a beautiful person, sure you make mistakes but hey, we all mess up. YOU are beautiful simply because YOU are YOU, no one else in this world filled of people thinks the way YOU do. Embrace how wonderful and unique YOU truly are. Be positive, build up your strength and just love yourselves, and also, love others.

I think i have said enough for tonight. I hope you have a wonderful night/evening/afternoon/morning/whatever applies to you!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I decided on the day of today, which happens to be 1/9/09 at percissly 9:38P.M.(pacific western time), i will be posting blogs! aaah ha so exciting of a person to do. Reading my writing nonsense, lucky you. But i will not let you down, there will be interesting things i will "blog" about. But this might be completely lame:

Today i stayed home all day wearing my new dress thing. I coloured fuzzy pads with my sister, ate ALL DAY, and watch short films and Michell Davis on youtube all day long today. I also got a new sketchpad for water colours and coloured penical sketching kit. So I will deffnately be using these! Oh the greatest thing I got today is a new PENTAX K100! I'm so stoked to use that!!!! Theres the picture of my new baby (:

Well, there is nothing left worth talking about, so have a lovely day/night/morning/ whatever fits in this discription!