Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i got all of my book today for my final year of high school, my whole two books. i'm pretty excited about this but i'm bummed because i had to choose between dropping art 2 or painting, i had to give up painting. but oh well right? i felt like i had to update a new blog because i haven't in awhile so hear you go (:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


it's kind of funny how when something so good happens time seems to fly right past you, but when nothing is really happening at all the time slows down. but then you stop and look back but you realize how fast time has been traveling. i don't know, it's an interesting thing to think about. to me at least it is. there is so much more out there then what the eye can see, i think it's fascinating that it's somewhat of a mystery, but then sometimes i wish there was an answer to some of the natural things that occur. i don't know. i guess i'm going to say this, take some time to think about the things you normally do nt think about, it might make you feel a little refreshed in your mind. it's your choice too (:

climb higher

Friday, July 3, 2009


i hate, hate, hate having writers block, but i promise i will get my momentum back again, and soon. i miss the words flowing through my mind and having to repeat them until i get a writing utensil and some paper to write it down on. it never is the same as how it originally flew through my mind. haha i dont even know why i'm putting all of this extra tid bit, but the more you know the better you are, right? i think so.

be happy with life, have a wonderful night/day/etc!!!